September 6th Update.. Part 2!

The following leaks where found in the 1.1.0 Cross Duel Update, but we missed them at the time! - Thanks to Elfoman for alerting us to this!

Upcoming Gacha's

  • New Theme Gacha Vol. 01
  • Expert Gacha Vol. 01
  • The new monster Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord!
  • Check out useful pick-up cards for ongoing raid events!

Addition of New Cards

The following cards will possibly be arriving with the new Card Gacha on October 4th!

Monster Cards Spell / Trap Cards
Red-Eyes Black Dragon Stray Lambs
XYZ-Dragon Cannon Flash of the Forbidden Spell
Baby Dragon Machine Duplication
Time Wizard Intercept Wave
Rocket Warrior Darkness Approaches
VW-Tiger Catapult Red-Eyes Burn
Alligator's Sword Floodgate Trap Hole
Gearfried the Iron Knight Energy-Absorbing Monolith
V-Tiger Jet Chivalry
W-Wing Catapult Kunai with Chain

Upcoming Events

Future Events focused around Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord appear to be coming. The following cards appear to be used by the event NPCs/Raid Boss.

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
  • Rage with Eyes of Blue
  • Majesty with Eyes of Blue
  • Neutron Blast
  • The Ultimate Creature of Destruction
Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord

Keep in mind that the datamined information is speculation, and remains unconfirmed until officially announced by Konami. Some datamined content may never be released publicly.

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!