Gagaga Magician

Gold 1 from on February 6th, 2023

Notes & Combos

GaGaGa Control!

This is control deck with the potential to get in some direct damage.

The meat of this deck is a standard control build. I will go over the differences

Fairy Meteor Crush: combos well with Gagaga magician. You will be sending Gagaga Magician to a side lane immediately. That is because you want ur gagaga Magician to apply as much pressure as possible. When comboed with a follow up Fairy Meteor Crush you are in a good position to get some early damage in.

Forbidden Chalice: Since your Gagaga Magician is immune to negation this is 1100/1100 boost to him. It can also be used to boost your defenses while controling your opponents.

Abyss Actor - Leading Lady - This card gives you two new spells to trigger Gagaga Magician with. If you get the one that heals or decreases attack/defense the value is very high.

Dark Magician Girl: if your Gagaga Magician gets hit by a control cardand is unable to cycle itself this card will help you out. That is the most important reasoning for playing it. The statline is okay and the ability to pivate to a different lane is nice.

A lot of the games you will get first/second in standard control fashion. Opportunities will be presented to get in damage and should be taken advantage of. Gagaga Magician is sent over and over into a single lane looking for an opportunity to activate a spell and get in direct damage.

Even if your opponent summons stronger monsters against your Gagaga Magician they will be losing the resource trade. It may put them in a position were they have to do something awkward to avoid a potential Gagaga Magician + spell card play.

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