Black Rose Dragon

Gold 1 from on January 25th, 2023

Notes & Combos

Genuinely my greatest creation ever. Your whole goal is to spread your terrain as much as possible like your zerg in starcraft 2. And basically your gonna play a burn deck. don't worry about keeping your monsters alive, most people don't know what black rose dragon does, it's your job to spread the fear of *** and teach the infedels her power.

Prioritize putting your creep on lanes that lead to you, the bonus from terrain doesn't matter putting terrain down>strong minion.

Turn 1 put down as much creep as humanely possible. Don't worry about middle card only time I send down a card for it is with the ROSE FAIRY because it's fodder, but only if I have enough to turn 2 black rose dragon, if I'm missing a level 3 I'll just place it in defence to spread creep and save it for black rose dragon. Otherwise anything else just throw it all down in defence.

Turn 2-> mid game try to spam black rose dragon when you can kill mobs whether black rose dragon dies or not, in order to send a message that if they put mobs on your creep it's just gonna die.

Turn 5->8 at this point your gonna wanna set up a combo of summoning black rose dragon behind a mob so it can clear someones defence and the mob can get a hit in, making sure your mob stays alive with shield handler and Lyna

if someone else has shield handler it's kind of a L it's just a bet whether they draw it or not, if someone else is playing light it just becomes a battle for terrain. Don't be afraid to just take 2nd.

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