Great Moth

Gold 1 from on January 9th, 2023

Notes & Combos

This is the Forest deck that I used to reach gold 1!

I really enjoy the deck, as it has a lot of different tools and little 2-3 card combo's it can pull off for some nice plays.

Great moth, unsuprisingly is the star of the deck, the ability to 'remove' 2 monsters of the board without worrying about proccing something like shield handler is extremely powerful. This combined with 'Taunt' one of the best common skills in the game (imo) makes it a very high class boss monster if you can set up the forest terrain preemptively.

Black Rose Dragon is more here for fun - It can be bricky, but it is by no means a 'bad choice' though I think it can definately be replaced with a BEWD or something. However, Black Rose + Lyna and Shield handler Combo's are very fun to pull off!

Lumenize, Corrosive Scales and Security orb are here more due to just a lack of cards - I don't own many of the SR S/T 'staples' so I'm sorta just working with what I've got.

Rose fairy is the weakest card in the deck, its simply here for more Forest Terrain, I don't find its unique ability to be that useful, but I did find however that only having 4/5 Forest setters was not enough (especially since I'm using black rose aswell) as such, the fairy ends up being anothe forest setter, before being used as a level 3 for the black rose synchro summon or a tribute for great moth if I haven't drawn resonator.

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