Red-Eyes Black Dragon

Gold 1 from on November 9th, 2022

Notes & Combos

With Konami nerfing 75% of red eyes cards and ranked players being the worst I have seen compared to the past 2 seasons, this deck allows you to climb through gold better than the optimal version. This deck is built with the premise that you will be 2-3 man hard-focused in over 50% of your games, which is what I have experienced.

It includes suboptimal cards like linkuriboh, doriado, and extra minions for linkurboh, while taking out good cards like the 3 movements traps, aria, and flash of the forbidden one. This is because when you get jumped by 2-3, immobilizing 1 minion (even if it is blue eyes) or reducing 500 attack in a lane is not enough.

This also means that bad plays vs meta decks are actually good, because the decks and players are so bad that you have to play around everything. Examples include turn 1 javelin or barrier to stop xyz/milla, contesting mid card when your hand is minion heavy because you need it to survive, early red eyes to play around a player giving up and not playing anything, etc...

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