Y-Dragon Head

Gold 1 from on November 15th, 2022

Notes & Combos

Your Z-tank(Dragon head is only used to obtain the middle card, usually get it within 3/5 games give or take). Pray to draw aria and a trap turn 1 that hinders your left or right lane opponents so she can slow one of them down to activate that trap. Goal is to get middle card making it seem like a bad idea to target you but some people are either brave or dumb. Scroll of bewitchment is usually used when someone might place you in third because the guy across of you is getting ganked as it's happened to me. This is more of a troll deck but somehow got gold 1 with a guy attacking me with blue eyes, red eyes archfiend and still couldn't touch me. Time wizard was the Mvp in my final game to gold 1.

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