Exodia the Forbidden One

Gold 1 from on October 14th, 2022

Notes & Combos

Exodia Deck

This deck has brought me to Gold 1 for rank match. Honestly, It is purely free to play (F2P) provided if you managed to get "Exodia" from the gems gacha pull. Even if you have only one copy of Exodia, it is still playable in rank matches.

SR monsters are optional. If you do not have Summoned Skull and Debris dragon, you can swap them with another monster with higher atk or higher def stats.

Things to note:

  • First turn, try to contest the center card only and leave other lane open (No monster to be put in the left or right lane. ) The reason being to try stall the game.
  • Have card/monsters/and spells management control. (Do not blindly summon monster in every lane.)
  • Watch your enemy on the left/right/middle and find the easiest target to flood your monster on that lane and at the same time to defend your other lanes if opponent tried to attack you.
  • Do NOT put skills for your monster in order to activate Exodia's Skills.

Wish you best of luck in rank games and lets enjoy the game without cashing! ^_^

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