Red-Eyes Black Dragon

Gold 1 from on October 10th, 2022

Notes & Combos

While this deck did get me to gold 1 and can get plat 1 with enough games, please don't be surprised if you take it into ranked and have difficulty climbing. Playing red eyes stall requires enemies to be predictable (good players playing good decks making non-emotional plays). Ranked has bad players/bots, so others can ignore you entirely and kill the weak link before burn kicks in, leaving you in 3rd. Ranked has bad decks, so there are games where a 6k atk hyperspeed milla can kill you turn 1 because you made the correct play of not playing turn 1. Ranked has emotional players who take it personally, all in you, and end up dead but make you 2nd or 3rd. This is a deck designed for finals/semifinals unrestricted/smokescreen tournament play into ztank, bewd, and gagaga, where it can be used to either keep a point lead by securing 3rd with 3 people jumping you or used to intimidate players in an early round so you can later take advantage of their passiveness with an aggro/otk deck.


  1. This deck has 8 methods of applying burn and 10 methods of keeping the burn applied. Use them together
  2. Use burn in other lanes wisely. Just because a xyz goes up to 7k lp turn 1 doesn't mean burning him is correct
  3. Red eyes after their ace+bewd so they can't remove burn via tribute
  4. Don't greed for burn damage. Burning correctly>burning more
  5. It's ok and even encouraged to take a small amount of lp damage. It puts pressure off you and you can make it up later with burn and healing
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