Trickstar Holly Angel

Gold 1 from on October 3rd, 2022

Notes & Combos

Hello all welcome to the only Trickstar deck on CrossDuelMeta! The goal of this deck is surprise damage in the late game to make the turn tables.

I play nothing turn 1 except life absorbing machine in the center.

Trickstar Holly with 2 skill slots is mandatory, but of course 3 slots is even better. When you summon her, her own snipe will hit all three players, as well as the snipe effects of any other monsters you play. If you have three skill slots on Holly, she will snipe everyone for 600. So, if you triple summon with Holly + 2 other monsters with snipe and use reload that will add up to 2100 damage to all three players in one turn. It's only 1500 without 2x snipe on Holly.

You have to wait until as late as possible to use this combo, because if you pop off early usually everyone will target you. Hopefully the other players will randomly choose players that are not you as their targets but as best as possible you can manage with your traps, monster effects and high defense. Compulsory device and shield handler help you from getting gimped by other players who summon turn 1 followed by blue-eyes turn 2.

This deck gets second a lot since it doesn't kill from 4000 LP. Snipe does not gain you life points like direct attacks do, so you have to hope they don't deal more than 2000 damage so your damage puts you in 1st. Life absorbing machine helps with the life differential.

I am sure there are better and cheaper archetypes, but I had fun climbing with this strategy!

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