Stardust Dragon

Gold 1 from on September 18th, 2022

Notes & Combos

As a control deck in an aggro-oriented meta, this deck is not the best for climbing. However, it is possible to get plat 1 with it with enough games and it did manage to win 2nd place in the 1st GGtoor tournament.

The idea behind the deck is to summon all of your attack oriented monsters down 1 sidelane, while defending the other 2 lanes with defensive monsters and traps. Even if that lane opponent doesn't lose outright to stardust>blueyes/oddeyes, he will be forced to waste a lot of resources on you, making him vulnerable on the other side, which is why it is called a grief deck. With 7 defensive traps in the deck, you can sometimes summon a stardust later on down mid or the unfocused lane after they have exhausted their resources attacking you.


  1. Don't play to win, play to not lose. You will come in second more often than third and first more often than fourth this way.
  2. Don't greed for lp. Losing 700 lifepoints to a monster down mid is much better than wasting a hallowed life barrier on it. Spend your resource wisely.
  3. Hide your name if you are playing this deck to climb. The nature of the deck is to grief one player, and players can hold grudges even if you are not doing it purposefully.
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