Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir

Platinum 1 from on December 20th, 2022

Notes & Combos

This deck is just as good as it was last season. Tips on how to play the deck:

  • avoid summoning monsters until turn 3-4 unless you really have to. Scenarios when you have to act include: if someone's targeting you, if you have 7 cards in your hand and must discard, if you see the game is drawing to a close and need to increase your LP to finish at least in 2nd place etc. If no one targeted you turn 1, they're unlikely to do so in the following turns because you'll be hoarding cards, people will have no idea what your ace is and they will likely avoid you
  • two Guardians are played for consistency and even though Magnum's effect is nice, just look at it as another barrier separating your precious LP from your opponents' monsters. if you have both Exodia and Magnum in hand, Exodia is more often the better alternative
  • if it's a slow game, you should wait until turn 5-7 to summon Diva and as many other Heal monsters as you can and also your guardian all at the same time to capitalize on the DEF gain; waiting to summon diva is crucial as supposedly everyone else will have already revealed their aces and invested resources by then
  • play some of your Heal monsters in ATK and send them down to the lanes of less threatening players. You'll need free monster zones to summon additional Heal monsters next turn

Try to fit in Hallowed Life Barrier and Doriado if you have them. Also, the new guardian VWXYZ is preferred over Magnum Overlord if you have it.

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