Trickstar Lilybell

Platinum 1 from on January 19th, 2023

Notes & Combos

Summon lilybell and tribute it for powerful 1 tribute monsters like Ojama King, Linkuriboh, Stargazer, Vice Dragon.

-Ojama King counters attack position changing effects like gilford the lightning, enemy controller, and the deadly provoke!

-Linkuriboh counters just about any heavy hitters or large incoming waves you were slowing down with other cards.

-Stargazer counters blue-eyes. While blue-eyes is common Stargazer's vunerability to position changing effects can be problematic.

-Vice Dragon being well rounded in stats makes it not as vulnerable to position changing. It can also be used as tributefauder making it versatile.

Recycle her with Narkissus, Soprano, Debris Dragon and Junk Synchron.

-Sometimes it is best to summon Lilybell in attack turn one if you do not have tribute monsters to follow up with but do have a card to return Lilybell to hand. You want to resolve lilybell as many times as possible in a game. This ideally would look like;

Turn 1: Summon Lilybell; Turn 2 tribute Lilybell and summon card to return her to hand; Turn 3 summon Lilybell again; and so on. By doing this you can resolve lilybell 4 times in one game while summoning better than average tribute monsters.

Tribute are nice against other burn decks who place ignite on your defense monsters. If you notice one of your opponents is playing burn never summon a monster in defense to their lane if you can help it.

VWXYZ may go in. I'm unsure of what i would take out for it.

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