Aria the Melodious Diva

Platinum 1 from on November 30th, 2022

Notes & Combos

Aria control deck I used to climb from about 600 points to 750 this season. The decks score in that 5 day session was: 1st - 10 2nd - 4 3rd - 0 4th - 2. It is a small sample size and some of the losses was due to me still learning the deck and making misplays. The main goal of the deck is using Aria as the ace to get the middle card. Sending aria middle 1st turn in most situations will get you the middle card. You have Soprano the melodious songstress which can recycle your Aria and get that 400 heal back. Play slow, control the game, and go offensive when someone starts depleting their resources. Using blue eyes ultimate with hippo and resonators makes it a 2 tribute monsters. The idea is if someone is attacking you early to summon it and kill a 4 star minion and then use the attack recovery to refresh its ATK gaining you a deffensive wall which will make people not want to attack you.

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