Elemental HERO Neos

Platinum 1 from on November 4th, 2022

Notes & Combos

This was very annoying climb to plat 1 mainly do to being team up on but idea behind this deck I was playing red eyes when I noticed this deck is pretty good but red eyes has one issue you don't really get 1st place to offen while with Neos if you loose Neos your fucked so I decided to combine the 2 and Neos Red Eyes was born

Why those this deck work? Neos Red Eyes works because normally if you loose your Neos you loose your win condition that dosent apply to this version of this deck because you have red eyes as secondary win condition just in case you loose your Neos and I had plenty of games were lost Neos and still won because of red eyes or blue eyes pop

Your probably asking how those my deck do against the meta I'm gonna tell you how

VS Z Metal Tank That deck is good but tank is a joke I have so many answers for this deck Compulse Curse Debris Red Eyes Or If I don't draw anything very unlikely I usually hard push tank player usually I would have posnious wind if that happens

VS Blue Eyes You can usually tell if there playing blue eyes blue eyes player tend to go for people who pressure them with there ace or if they have a follow up monster in there lane if I get monster reborn I can play reckless and not care but if I don't have monster reborn I tend to hold of my Neos until they summon blue eyes

VS Red Eyes Don't go for them and hold onto your tribute monster

If you guys have any questions about deck feel free to message me on the discord

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