Red-Eyes Black Dragon

Platinum 1 from on October 19th, 2022

Notes & Combos

Red Eyes Deck resolves around predictions and reactive play. My placement while climbing was along the lines of 50% 2#, 20% 1#, 10% 3# and 10% 4#.

Turn 1 - If I draw both hole traps, I use them in side lanes for ZMT or general aggressive decks. It stops the turn 2 Bewd push. If I only draw one of the traps then it's a coin flip. NEVER play monsters proactively and NEVER go for the middle card. The Life Absorbing Machine is a great turn 1 opener because it can give you a life points lead of 800 up to 2k+ if you're lucky (multiple monsters without superspeed or multiple monsters with superspeed+Neos).

After turn 1 you just play reactively to what your opponents are doing. If they see double trap during turn 1 they probably won't go for you and focus the player opposite you. If that happens then it's your job to ***** over one of the two aggressor to steal 2nd place from them. You can do that by burning their monsters, slowing them e.t.c.

If you get targeted from turn 1 and you didn't draw good traps to counter the aggression then your only out is Wall of D unfortunately. It's either that or you get 4th.

Great combos : Enchanted Javelin + Scroll of Bewitchment/Hallowed Life Barrier Red eyes skill+ Red eyes Burn/Poisonous Winds/Flash of the forbidden Spell. And ignite Monster/Time Wizard+Flash of the forbidden Spell.

Bad Combos: Hallowed Life Barrier/Enchanted Javelin+Wall Of D.

If you have any questions find me or discord.

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